Bureau of Fire Prevention Operational Permits

The Business Owner must apply for a new permit through our Operational Permit Electronic Form. Have the business information, an onsite contact, and billing information handy before you start the application. Please see the Renew an Existing Operational Permit tab below for instructions on how to renew your existing Operational Permit. For any additional information please see contact Building and Safety at 402-441-7521.

Renew an Operational Permit

Step 1.Review the requirements

The existing Operational Permit for your business expires every December 31st.   Click Visit Citizen Access to create an account and renew your Operational Permit.  You will need your existing permit number and the type of Operational Permit you are renewing.  For step-by-step instructions please click here(PDF, 66KB).

If there has been an ownership change or an address change since the last renewal period, you must apply for a new Operational Permit. Please see the Submit a NEW Operational Permit tab.

If you need to update your billing or onsite contact information for an existing Operational Permit, please send an email to firepermits@lincoln.ne.gov.

Failure to renew your permit by December 31st, may result in the assessment of a late fee and/or the revocation of your Operational Permit.

All code requirements for fire permits are available in the Chapter 19.03 Fire Code.

Step 2.Print the Operational Permit Certificate

After you pay for the renewal of your Operational Permit, the certificate will be emailed to you.  Print this certificate and post at the business.  Failure to post this certificate will result in a failed fire inspection.

Step 3.Inspection Scheduling

You will be contacted by the Bureau of Fire Prevention to complete this annual inspection.

Non-compliance with the applicable fire codes may result in a reinspection fee. 

If you have questions about the renewal process, contact our office at 402-441-7521. 

Submit a New Operational Permit

Step 1.Review the requirements

There are a variety of businesses where the City of Lincoln will require owners to attain a permit for activities, operations, practices, or functions. The businesses will be inspected annually so they can safely continue to operate.  The types of operational permits include explosives, health care, high rise buildings, mobile food preparation vehicles, mobile home park, residential congregate living, schools, hazardous materials, hospitals, place of assembly, salvage yard, and spray operations. 

All code requirements for fire permits are available in the Chapter 19.03 Fire Code.

For help with understanding these requirements, give us a call at the number 402-441-7521 and ask to speak to our Chief Fire Inspector.

Step 2.Make sure you have time to apply

This application will take about 15 minutes once you have gathered the required information and submit your application.

Step 3.Submit your NEW application

If you need to renew your existing permit, please see the Renew an Operational Permit tab.

Apply Now

Step 4.Make your payment

You will receive notification from Building and Safety with the invoice and further instruction on how to pay.

Step 5.Schedule an inspection

You will be contacted by the Bureau of Fire Prevention to complete this inspection.

Failure to submit satisfactory information is sufficient grounds to void a permit that is already issued. 

Non-compliance with the codes may result in a reinspection fee. 

Step 6.Print the occupancy certificate

Building and Safety will send notification including your certificate to print and display.