Permits are valid for 120 days from issuances. You can extend the time by written request to the Building and Safety department and attention the request to Chief Plumbing Inspector.
All code requirements for plumbing permits are available at TITLE 24 PLUMBING AND SEWERS
This application will take about 10 minutes to complete your application.
You will need to create an account at Citizen Access as a homeowner.
A walkthrough guide is available under the Citizen Access Information page
Are you needing the legal address? Use the County Assessor's Site.
Is your project in a commercial building or shared property space? Use the GIS Map.
You can also check with your inspector to verify the requirements of the code. Please use our Inspector Area Map to locate the inspector assigned to your area.
You can pay online through Citizen Access
You’re able to use a Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover
All permits will have a minimum $35 fee. Additional fees may apply.
The $35 charge will cover a certified inspector to come out to inspect the work that has been completed. Additional Trips are $35.
The permit issued must be inspected before any work is covered. Must be inspected when the installation of the work is completed.
You can schedule an inspection through Citizen Access or calling the 24 -hour inspection line at 402-441-5999. For instructions on how to access the inspector information can be found on the inspection page.
Please have your permit number, date for inspections, and access instruction if necessary.
Non-compliance with the codes may result in a reinspection fee.