Filing a Discrimination Complaint

Human Rights Intake Questionnaire


What is Discrimination?

To establish a discrimination case with the Lincoln Commission on Human Rights (LCHR), an individual must be able to show that:

  • They were subjected to unequal treatment by a covered individual, business, or housing provider in the City of Lincoln.
  • The different treatment was based on the individual's
    • Sex (including sexual orientation & gender identity)
    • Age (only in employment cases)
    • Race
    • Color
    • Religion
    • National Origin or Ancestry
    • Disability
    • Engaging in Protected Activity / Retaliation
    • Marital Status
    • Familial Status (only in housing cases)
  • The different treatment occurred in one of three covered areas: Employment / Housing / Public Accommodation
  • The individual who was treated differently acts within one (1) year of the date of the last alleged discriminatory action.
  • The individual was treated differently because of their protected status, and not for other legitimate non-discriminatory reasons.

Please note that this is only a general statement of the legal standard for establishing discrimination. For example, additional and different legal standards apply to complaints of sexual harassment and failure to reasonably accommodate a disability. It is important to realize that not all unfavorable or unfair treatment is discrimination under the City of Lincoln ordinance. However, a individual who was treated unfairly may have other legal remedies, which can be pursued whether or not a complaint is filed with the LCHR.


How to File a Discrimination Complaint

LCHR is a City agency, and as such we can only investigate complaints that take place within Lincoln City limits. Feel free to call and discuss your case with one of our investigators; if it does not fall under our jurisdiction we can refer you to the appropriate agency.

LCHR must remain neutral and we cannot favor either party in a discrimination case filed with our agency. We are independent investigators who provide factual case information to the Human Rights Commissioners in order for them to make a ruling in each case.

Step 1.Contact us

Call LCHR at 402-441-7624 or complete a Human Rights Intake Questionnaire to provide us with contact information as well as a general picture of the discrimination which occurred.

Step 2.Wait for us to reach out

A LCHR Civil Rights Investigator will contact you and help determine if your charge falls within our jurisdiction, answer any questions you may have, and file an official complaint if you so choose.

Please note: it is not enough to simply complete the Intake Questionnaire. A LCHR Civil Rights Investigator will assist you in the filing of an official complaint (must be in writing, signed in front of a notary, etc.).