Maternal & Child Health

Barriers to healthcare exist for many women and children in the Lincoln-Lancaster County community. These barriers might include access to health insurance, access to healthcare providers, transportation, language support and/or breastfeeding supports to name a few. This CHIP priority will focus on addressing these barriers to ensure that all women and children have equitable and culturally appropriate access to healthcare in our community.



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Data Point


Current Status/Goal

Percent of infants who initiate breastfeeding at birth

% of mother-initiated breastfeeding to infant at birth (Lancaster County Birth Data)

96% by 2025

Percent of infants breastfed at 6 months of age

% any breastfeeding (WIC data)


% exclusive breastfeeding (WIC data)

60% any breastfeeding (WIC July 2024-June 2025)

54% any breastfeeding (WIC July 2021-June 2022)

13% exclusive breastfeeding (WIC July 2021-June 2022)

Percent of infants breastfed at 1 year of age

17% (WIC data)

20% (WIC July 2024-June 2025)

17% (WIC July 2021-June 2022)

Infant mortality rate

Rate of infant deaths per 1,000 live birth (Lancaster County Death Data 2020)

3.5 per 1,000 live births by 2025 (with reduced disparity)

2020-3.7 per 1,000 live birth

2019-3.8 per 1,000 live birth

2018-3.3 per 1,000 live birth

Number and percent of live births with mother completing a postpartum mental health screening including depression screening with positive rates, including PHQ-4 in WIC with a PHQ-9 for a positive screening and mental health screenings through Family Connects

New baseline data in WIC program and Family Connects in 2023


Baseline TBD

Immunization Data: “10 vaccines by age 2”

Childhood Immunization Status - NCQA

The percentage of children 2 years of age who had a four diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (DTaP); three polio (IPV); one measles, mumps and rubella (MMR); three haemophilus influenza type B (HiB); three hepatitis B (HepB), one chicken pox (VZV); four pneumococcal conjugate (PCV); one hepatitis A (HepA); two or three rotavirus (RV); and two influenza (flu) vaccines by their second birthday.

Goal 2024-2025: 50.00%


2022: 42.66%

2021: 22.94%

2020: 21.045

2019: 36.08%

2018: 36.91%



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  1. Family Connects Lincoln-Lancaster County (universal home visitation) launched in the fall of 2023.  Five of the seven public health nursing (PHN) staff positions have been filled (two remain open) and the Sr. PHN has been hired.   The home visitation Community Advisory Board has had three meetings and has been instrumental in advising on how to build capacity and awareness of the program within the community. (P* and S*)

  2. Community Breastfeeding Initiative (LCBI) Coalition.

a.  Community Health Worker workforce development and sustainability (see below)—Community Breastfeeding Educators and Breastfeeding Peer Supports. (P* and S*)

b. Ongoing policy supports LB12 (Milkbank) and LB 13 (Medicaid coverage for breastmilk support). (P)

   3.  MYLINK - Don’t Panic Labs (w/ Bryan Seck) – Reworking to better provide CHIP-aligned info for under-resourced community members -  
        This is a major partnership that will impact most of the CHIP workgroups.  (S)

   4.  Lincoln Early Childhood Development Network Comprehensive Health workgroup.

a. Lancaster County Immunization Taskforce launch. (S*)

b. Community Health Worker workforce development and sustainability (see below)—Health Navigators for linking children to health care providers for ongoing preventative healthcare.  Currently have four Parent Resource Coordinators (PRC) in the Lincoln community (BlueStem, LLCHD, Complete Childrens and Lincoln Pediatric Group. The PRC are working with families to support children with developmental delay concerns. (P* and S*)




FCLincLancLogo.jpg    For more information on Maternal Child Health please visit our Family Connects page.

How to get involved