Motor Vehicle Safety


The year 2022 had the highest number of fatalities resulting from motor vehicle accidents ever recorded in the city of Lincoln. That same year LLCHD, Lincoln Transportation and Utilities, Lincoln Police Department, Lincoln Public Schools, and Hospital partners from Bryan and CHI connected intentional efforts to reduce accidents and deaths related to motor vehicles. This CHIP initiative is working to make school neighborhoods safe for children and their families to walk and bike. Additional new efforts have been funded and launched this year with long-term implications for motor vehicle safety.


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CHIP 2022


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Hartley Elementary
Survey Results

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Hartley Elementary
Survey Results
School Staff


  • As a result of the thorough assessment of student walking and biking behavior, motorist behavior and environmental conditions conducted in 2023 around Hartley Elementary School, a marked and signed pedestrian crossing on 34th Street was the priority recommended intervention. This crossing will help to increase the safety and accessibility for students during drop-off and pick-up and will enhance traffic flow management and community livability. Construction is scheduled to begin and be completed during the summer of 2024.
  • A one-page informational sheet will be shared with homeowners in the area to make them aware of the upcoming construction and the benefits of the new pedestrian crossing. 

Updated: 4/30/2024

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