Office Hours: 8:00 - 4:30 M-F Telephone: 402-441-8045 Fax: 402-441-8323 TTYNE Relay 7-1-1
Approximately 25,000 to 26,000 Lancaster County residents each year receive treatment in Lincoln emergency departments for an unintentional injury, the leading cause of death for Lancaster County residents 1-44 years of age. The Injury Prevention Program monitors injury levels in our community and mobilizes resources to address leading causes of injury
Prevention activities from our program include:
Our program accomplishes these and other injury prevention efforts by working with businesses, civic groups, faith-based organizations, and other City Departments in a coordinated manner which maximizes our combined resources.
Check out these helpful videos made by some of Lincoln's own bike experts in partnership with the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department and LNKTV Health.
Safe Kids Lincoln-Lancaster County was chartered in 1995. Its mission is to prevent the number one killer of children 14 years of age and younger - accidental injury. Coalition Task Forces address priority injury areas including: child passenger safety, child pedestrian and bicycle safety, sports injury prevention, fire and burn prevention, water safety, and home safety.