Tobacco Prevention & Education

Office Hours:  8:00 - 4:30 M-F
Telephone:  402-441-8045
Fax:  402-441-8323
TTYNE Relay 7-1-1

The Tobacco Prevention and Education program promotes public health through education and empowering individuals to live tobacco-free lifestyles. The strong relationships we have developed with community partners allows us to advocate for inclusivity and health equity in tobacco control and policy development. Our goal is to educate all community members about the risks of use and exposure to tobacco products, reduce youth initiation, and provide supportive cessation resources. We are committed to making Lincoln and Lancaster County tobacco and e-cigarette free communities.

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TFLC_Logo2019.png          Tobacco Free Lancaster County Coalition

The Tobacco Free Lancaster County coalition is comprised of more than 30 community partner agencies and individuals. The Tobacco Prevention and Education Program works with the
Tobacco Free Lancaster County coalition to:

  • Inform tobacco related prevention activities that impact Lincoln and Lancaster County
  • Improve community health through education
  • Advocate for policies that reduce tobacco and e-cigarette use and exposure
  • Engage a variety of agencies, businesses, and individuals in prevention activities

Check out Tobacco Free Lancaster County for more resources and information about prevention and cessation in Lincoln and Lancaster County.

This coalition informs the tobacco control work in Lincoln/Lancaster County, and they have chosen the following focus areas for 2023-2025:

  • Cessation Assessment and Referral Systems
  • Smoke-free Multi-Unit Housing
  • Menthol and Other Flavored Tobacco Products
  • Cultural Diversity and Cultural Competency

Get More Involved

Do you want to get more involved in tobacco control work in Lincoln/Lancaster County? Learn more about the Tobacco Free Lancaster County coalition here.

Are you a youth or young adult that wants to get more involved? Sign uphereto become a Youth Advocate.

Tobacco & Vaping Surveys and Statistics


Other Resources