
2020 Vision - A Strategic Plan for the Department of Public Works and Utilities (2018)

We are a growing and thriving community; nationally emerging and recognized as a premier American city for businesses, entrepreneurs, young people, retirees and families. In order to successfully support Lincoln’s continued growth and prosperity, the Department must establish a strategic mindset that is aimed at continual improvement of vital infrastructure and services coupled with a sustainable and responsible approach to the management of public resources.


Access Management Policy

Access management balances the need to provide access to individual properties and developments while protecting the effective and safe flow of traffic on the surrounding road system. The City is publishing these standards to the public in one clear, easily accessible document. The goal is to provide our community, including neighborhoods, developers and property owners thorough, clear guidelines to be used in finding the correct balance between our competing values.

Comprehensive Watershed Master Plan (August 2022)

The Comprehensive Watershed Master Plan (Plan) focuses on an updated CIP program and prioritization along with a review of selected watershed management activities that support CIP implementation. The Plan is intended to be used to guide future CIPs aligned with the core values of the City’s Watershed Management Division.

Financial Statements and Schedules

Financial Statements and Schedules for Lincoln Water System, Solid Waste Management Fund, Lincoln Wastewater System

Lincoln Water System Facilities Master Plan Update (July 2020)

This report has been prepared to provide the City of Lincoln with an update to the 2014 Water Facilities Master Plan. Most significantly this report has evaluated revised background data for population and demand forecasts, coupled with impacts associated with climate change, to develop a new 12-year capital improvement program.

Lincoln Wastewater System Facilities Master Plans

The overall goal of the Wastewater Facilities Master Plan Update is to determine and verify the capacity of the existing facilities, and to identify collection and treatment system modifications that are required to provide efficient wastewater collection and treatment service; provide for continued protection of public health and the environment; comply with relevant operating permits, regulations, and other requirements; continue growth and development policies of providing gravity sanitary sewer service in drainage basins.

Solid Waste Management Plan (November 2013)

The Solid Waste Management Plan for Lincoln and Lancaster County is a guidance document, communication tool, and a resource for policy decisions regarding solid waste management systems, facilities and programs.

Transit Development Plan (August 2022)

The purpose of this report is to summarize the background conditions in which StarTran operates and provide a comprehensive evaluation of existing service characteristics and system performance, present preliminary service scenarios, summarize public engagement, and describe the preferred alternative for the StarTran system in the shortand long-term.