Lincoln Transportation and Utilities (LTU) Lincoln Wastewater System teammates recently received six awards from national and international organizations related to their work contributing to sustainability and safety. This latest recognition brings the total to eight awards LTU wastewater facilities have won in 2021 and late 2020.
Lincoln Wastewater System team member Brandon Warren has been a part of Lincoln Wastewater System for nearly six years. He said the team truly appreciates the awards and recognition on such a large stage. The team works hard and stays humble. Warren said the programs they put in place help the community they love.
“The way this team does their jobs so efficiently is just amazing,”
said Brandon Warren, Wastewater Systems Specialist. “It is really impressive to see everyone so invested in how things run here. We have a good mix of people from different generations, and we are always learning and working to improve and adapt.”
Lincoln Wastewater System Team
And the award goes to…
The awards focus on Lincoln Wastewater System’s sustainable biogas to vehicle fuel program, water reuse program and safety program. Awards and details include:
Award: 2021 Ideas Challenge winner by NewDEAL (Developing Exceptional American Leaders) for Lincoln’s Biogas to Vehicle Fuel Program. NewDEAL is a national network of state and locally elected leaders who support local growth.
Details: The biogas to vehicle fuel project was completed in fall 2020 and is expected to provide $2.6 million in revenue to the wastewater facility annually. Revenue collected from local and national fuel sales is reinvested back into Lincoln Wastewater System to assist with operations and maintenance costs. This is the fourth award earned for Lincoln’s biogas to renewable fuel project.
Award: 2021 Utility of the Future Certificate of Recognition Award for Lincoln’s Water Reuse Program. The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a nonprofit technical and educational organization of 30,000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations that represents water quality professionals around the world.
Details: The Theresa Street and Northeast water resource recovery facilities created a way to reuse more than two million gallons of water out of 35 million per day for heating and cooling buildings nearby. Water reuse heats and cools the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Innovation Campus, Lincoln Electric System (LES) Terry Bundy Station, and Lincoln Wastewater System’s two water resource recovery facilities. The water reuse program is also used during typical maintenance efforts at the water resource recovery facilities.
Award: Theresa Street Water Resource Recovery Facility received the 2021 Nebraska Water Environmental Association Scott Wilber Award
Details: Excellence in facility operation, and maintenance of large and medium advanced municipal facilities while maintaining environmental compliance.
Award: Northeast Water Resource Recovery Facility received the 2021 Nebraska Water Environmental Association Scott Wilber Award
Details: Excellence in facility operation, and maintenance of large and medium advanced municipal facilities while maintaining environmental compliance.
Award: Theresa Street Water Resource Recovery Facility received the 2021 Nebraska Environment Association Gold Safety Awards
Details: Excellence in accident prevention and a safety program that includes training, materials, and the participation of all employees.
Award: Northeast Water Resource Recovery Facility received the 2021 Nebraska Environment Association Gold Safety Awards
Details: Excellence in accident prevention and a safety program that includes training, materials, and the participation of all employees.
Spread the Knowledge
Learning the ins and outs of wastewater involves a lot of training, science, engineering, communication and more. Every sample and test must be taken at the right time. Every system needs checked. The team must work together to meet requirements and standards around the clock. As several teammates near retirement, they work to pass on decades of knowledge to younger team members. They also leave a long list of accomplishments and big boots to fill. For recently hired teammate Bill Steinbach, he is ready to lean in and get what needs done, done.
“I have been here nearly seven months. Seeing the team earn these awards honestly makes me feel great that I too, can have such a positive impact within Lincoln Wastewater System and the community. I am an Environmental Laboratory Specialist II. My co-workers give me the motivation to want to strive to continue going above and beyond. Seeing their passion is addictive and makes me passionate about future sustainable solutions. I want to keep that high level of professionalism,”
said Steinbach.
Safety Steps Turn Heads
Making decisions that put safety first is routine for teammates at the Theresa Street and Northeast resource recovery facilities. Both facilities conduct routine safety training. For Wastewater Operator Jim Holz, it feels good to hang up their awards at the Northeast facility.
“It is great recognition for the teamwork we do together at Northeast. We only have eight guys, so we have to do a lot of communicating for how the plant operates and to keep the plant working. We all pitch in and cover what needs to be done. We are a tightknit group, detail-oriented and look out for each other,”
said Holz.
Northeast Water Resource Recovery Facility Team
“Each team within Lincoln Wastewater System plays a big role in our overall success. Over in our Sanitary Engineering division, there are five of us who focus on permit-required space entries and other tasks. It is important to have a good safety record with those entries. It feels good to be recognized for doing our job in a safe manner. We have crews out in pipes below the streets and around neighborhoods. We never want to get complacent,”
said Ben Kessler, Environmental Specialist III.
Even the way each facility is kept and cared for matters to the team.
“I think it is nice to be recognized and the people here do a great job keeping the facilities operating and looking good. It is rare to work at a wastewater facility and get compliments on how clean and beautiful it looks. The guys have a lot of pride in that,”
said Aaron Dressel, Facilities Maintenance Coordinator.
Theresa Street Water Resource Recovery Facility
The Future Looks Promising
Lincoln Wastewater System Superintendent Todd Boling was recently promoted after the retirement of long-time Superintendent Steve Crisler. Boling said he moved to Lincoln to get a chance to be a small part of such a wonderful group.
“What drew me to Lincoln was to be on the cutting-edge of technology. It is a privilege to have the staff in both plants to earn these awards. There are new technologies coming at us that will help us even more in the future. There is a constant evolution and need to collaborate for everyone to inspire to the high standards we have here. We work as a team to accomplish our goals and the world is taking notice. Congrats to our team members on a job well done,”
said Boling.
Todd Boling, Lincoln Wastewater System Superintendent