North 27th Street from “O” Street to I-80
Adaptive Signal Control Technologies Project
The purpose of this project is to improve the efficiency of traffic operations along the North 27th Street corridor. The project is needed to reduce congestion and delays. The corridor experiences a high volume of traffic and unique peaks in traffic due to a variety of factors, such as commercial and retail development, Lincoln North Star High School, and University of Nebraska event traffic.
Scope of Work
This project will procure and install Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT) at signalized intersections along and adjacent to North 27th Street from “O” Street to the westbound Interstate 80 ramp terminals.
- Existing traffic signal and communication infrastructure throughout the project area will be updated or replaced, including traffic signal equipment and hardware, traffic signal cabinets, and vehicle detection systems.
- New communication conduit and cable will be installed where gaps in the existing fiber optic network are located.
- Removal and replacement of pavement panels in streets and sidewalks may be necessary to install underground components.
- In addition, several traffic signals in close proximity to the project will be upgraded: 25th Street and “O” Street, 29th Street and Cornhusker Highway, and Industrial Avenue and Superior Street.
Project Schedule
The project began April 25, 2022 and is expected to be completed in September 2022.
Access During Construction
This project will be constructed under traffic with lane closures controlled by appropriate traffic control devices. Access to adjacent properties will be maintained during construction, but may be limited at times due to construction phasing requirements. Temporary lane closures for multiple days may be needed to accommodate construction equipment; however, full roadway closures and/or detours are not anticipated.
This project will be constructed within existing public property, primarily within existing City or State right-of-way (ROW) or permanent easements. Therefore, the acquisition of additional property rights from private property, such as new right-of-way (ROW), control of access (CA), permanent easements (PE), or temporary easements (TE), will not be necessary. However, a portion of the existing traffic signal equipment on the southwest corner of North 27th Street and Fair Street (northeast corner of
Pentzer Park) is currently located within designated park property. Therefore, the City is proposing to declare a portion of the northeast corner of the park for transportation uses.
More Information on Pentzer Park
Potential Impacts
The project is anticipated to disturb portions of the grass in the street right-of-way (ROW) along the corridor. The existing traffic signal cabinets at the southwest corner of N. 27th and Fair Streets were found to be partially located on existing Pentzer Park property. Therefore, a narrow strip of park property would be declared for transportation use. In addition, the project will have temporary sidewalk closures and lane closures but alternate pedestrian access would be provided and the project will restore the land being used to pre-existing conditions. The project fact sheet describes in more detail anticipated impacts to Pentzer Park and the MoPac Trail access.
Estimated Construction Cost
The project construction is estimated to cost $2.6 million. The project would be funded with 90% Federal Transportation funds and 10% local funds provided by the City of Lincoln.
Public Involvement
- Public Comment Period – March 13, 2021 - April 14, 2021