LOTM Public Involvement

The City of Lincoln encourages community members to engage and learn more about the continuation of the Lincoln on the Move quarter-cent sales tax.

The Advisory Committee on Transportation (ACT), a public committee that oversees the Lincoln on the Move initiative, hosted a series of open houses  and conducted an online survey in September and October 2019 to gather input from the public on the quarter-cent sales tax approved by voters in April, 2019. The feedback received from those events is detailed below .

Public Participation Results

Streets Survey Results

1. What are the most important criteria to evaluate when prioritizing streets for maintenance and repair?

2. What is more important to you on a final repaired street surface?

1. Definitions for Prioritization Responses

Pavement Condition

Widely used in the transportation industry, the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) is utilized to rate pavements, and it is based on measurements of roughness and the different surface distresses.

Why this is considered – It is used to trigger the appropriate type of treatment (i.e. surface preservation for good pavements, mill and overlays vs. major base repairs for others). It provides information related to the approximate extent and cost of repairs.


This refers to safety characteristics of street segments and intersections (including crash history), and the need to maintain and/or improve street conditions to enhance safety.

Why this is considered – The safety of our transportation network is vital for mobility and quality of life.

School Route

This is the street(s) that most students will travel on while going to or coming from a school site.

Why this is considered – As of July 1, 2018, Lincoln’s population was just over 287,000 and with some 49,000 students enrolled in both public and private schools in Lincoln, it represents serving approximately 17% of the city’s population.

Cost of Repairs

This is best thought in terms of getting the “best bang for the buck.” It considers whether a delay might significantly increase costs and whether a less intensive project now pushes out the need for more costly repairs later.

Why this is considered – A construction package of streets that require a lot of intensive work, such as major concrete work and base repairs, will take longer to complete, and if delayed may not be completed in a single season. Also, fewer miles of streets can be addressed.

Project Bundling

This offers a comprehensive solution for streamlining design, contracting, and construction (usually in a limited geographic area) to capitalize on economies of scale and take advantage of “buy in bulk” mentality.

Why this is considered – The investment by a contractor for a project can be sizable. If a construction crew has significant time spent unproductively (i.e. traveling between sites, inconsistent work, etc.) the contractor costs and mobilization can increase. By bundling a certain sizeable amount of work, they have less unproductive time and cost savings can be experienced.

Traffic Volume

This is the number of vehicles on a stretch of street during a certain period of time. Usually expressed as Average Daily Traffic (ADT) or Vehicles per Hour (VPH).

Why this is considered – Simply put, the higher the traffic volumes, the more users are impacted.

Transit Route

These are the routes regularly operated by our public transit system.

Why this is considered – In 2018, transit ridership was 2.4 million annually and continues to grow. This efficient service allows daily travel and access to transportation for our citizens.

Economic Impact

These are the routes that serve major employment centers.

Why this is considered – Improving streets that access large commercial or industrial properties, hospitals, colleges/universities, or other local attractions reflects community image, pride, and helps local value by maintaining appropriate levels of investment in them.

Geographic Parity

This ensures that improvements are performed in all parts of the City.

Why this is considered – The ballot language voted on by the public stated that these tax revenues are spent fairly, efficiently, and in all quadrants of the City.

Project Coordination

This considers the combined impacts to the area/regional commuters based on other nearby projects.

Why this is considered – Usually traffic travels on the most direct route to its destination. Coordination of good work zone traffic management practices can better accommodate construction traffic delays and detours.

2. Appearance vs. Ride Quality


This is the look of the pavement visually.

A pavement may have many cracks that have been filled or look like a patchwork quilt, but can ride very smoothly.

Ride Quality

This references the ride quality experienced by the traveler, also referred to as “smoothness.”

A pavement can have a complete covering of the surface which, while helping preserve the street, can still result in places where asphalt and concrete meet and bumps can occur.

Map Input Results

The shaded areas on the “hot spots” map below are the results of streets identified by citizens as the most in need of repairs.

Screen capture of public input map results.

Past Public Open House Dates

Northwest Open House September 12, 2019 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Eiseley Library, 1530 Superior St.

Southeast Open House September 17, 2019 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Gere Library, 2400 S. 56th St.

Southwest Open House September 18, 2019 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Walt Library, 6701 S. 14th St.

Northeast Open House September 24, 2019 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Dawes Middle School, 5130 Colfax Ave

Downtown Open House September 25, 2019 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Bennett Martin Library, 136 S. 14th St., First Floor