The purpose of this project is to preserve the transportation asset, improve the reliability of Lincoln’s transportation system, and ensure the mobility of the traveling public. The need for this proposed project is based on the condition of the existing pavement.
Scope of Work
This proposed project would rehabilitate the pavement along 56th Street between Spruce and Van Dorn streets to improve roadway conditions as necessitated by the current pavement age and condition.
Right of Way
Additional Right of Way and easements will not be needed to facilitate work on this project.
This project is federally funded.
Design began in fall of 2020. Construction is scheduled to take place in 2025.
Access During Construction
Construction will be phased for the duration of the project. Access to individual properties will be maintained. The traveling public is encouraged to find alternative routes and to use the WAZE app for assistance.
Public Open House
A Public Open House to present information regarding this project was held on:
March 1, 2023
5:00-7:00 PM
Gere Library, 56th Street and Normal Boulevard (southeast corner)