“Q” and “P” Street Bike Lanes Project

Project Purpose

The City of Lincoln Bike Plan’s primary purpose is to identify an on-street bike network that builds on the community’s extensive trail network while providing accessible and safe bicycle commuting and recreational opportunities. The plan depicts a comprehensive system of off-street and on-street facilities that works to safely connect neighborhoods and destinations and encourage bicycle travel.

The bike plan recommends installing buffered bike lanes along “P” and “Q” streets. Buffered bike lanes are created by painting buffer zones between the bike lane and the adjacent travel lane. These types of one-way streets provide:

Bicyclist riding down P Street east of 21st Street Bicyclist riding down “P” Street east of 21st Street
  • Additional street width allows for separation of modes of travel.
  • Direct connection from downtown with adjacent residential neighborhoods which makes commuting by bike that much more convenient.
  • Provide an uninterrupted route to cross Antelope Creek at signalized intersections to increase safety.

In March of 2022, the City shared two alternative designs with community members and collected their feedback. The preferred alternative was determined to retain existing parking and reduce the number of through lanes by one to provide safe and adequate space for the new buffered bike lanes.

This project has been made possible through a partnership between the City of Lincoln Urban Development department and the Lincoln Transportation and Utilities (LTU) Traffic Engineering division. Project funding will include tax increment financing (TIF) and design and engineering support from LTU.

Project Location

The project will construct approximately 1.2 miles of buffered bicycle lanes between 17th Street and 25th Street east of downtown Lincoln. This project provides key connections to existing on-street bike routes and direct connections to the Billy Wolf Trail. The project also provides key connections to downtown and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Aerial View of the “Q” and “P” Streets Bike Lanes Project Aerial View of the “Q” and “P” Streets Bike Lanes Project

Scope of Work

The buffered bicycle lanes will include a minimum, 5-foot-wide painted bike lane with an up to 3-foot-wide painted cross hatch buffer on each side. The buffered bike lanes will be on the left side of the travel lane to help minimize conflict points with turning vehicle movements. Traffic operations may be further supported with modified traffic signs and protected bike phase signals at Antelope Valley Parkway. In select locations, flexible post delineators will be installed, directing vehicles away from the buffered bike lanes. The speed limit will also be reduced from 35mph to 30mph. An example of the buffered bike lane on “P” Street from Antelope Valley Parkway to 21st Street is below.

“P” Street Buffered Bike Lane Concept Design from Antelope Valley Parkway to 21st Street “P” Street Buffered Bike Lane Concept Design from Antelope Valley Parkway to 21st Street  Buffered Bike Lanes Full Concept Design(PDF, 5MB)


Construction is scheduled for 2024.

Access During Construction

Lane closures will be required to complete this work.

Public Involvement

Public Open House – Thursday, May 18, 2023, 5 – 7 p.m.
Jayne Snyder Trails Center
228 North 21st Street
Lincoln, NE 68503
The purpose of the public information meeting was to share the design recommendations for the project extending from North 25th Street to North 16th Street. Project representatives were available to discuss the traffic analysis, bike lane designs, and traffic controls within the scope of the project.

Project Contact

Please contact the City of Lincoln with any questions, comments, or for more information about the project.