Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit

A curb cut is an opening in the curb created to allow a driveway to enter from the street. The locations of curb cuts can influence traffic flow, and therefore must be designed to promote safe and efficient travel on the public right-of-way and to preserve the capacity of the roadway. All property owners must obtain a Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit before constructing a driveway (even if the roadway does not have a concrete curb). Below are City of Lincoln guidelines and requirements to assist with the Curb Cut Permit application process.

Related: Application for Curb Closure

Summary of Requirements

Download Brochure with Checklist (PDF, 972KB)

  • Obtain approval of a Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit (PDF, 698KB)
  • Give notice to LTU prior to work starting* 402-441-7558
  • Subcontract traffic control to an ATSSA/IMSA certified company
  • Inspections may occur after pour. Curb section and opening not meeting specifications will require removal and reconstruction at the contractor’s cost.

*Please be ready to provide project location, timeline, contact information, traffic control subcontractor, and permit number(s) related to the project.

Traffic Control

Proper implementation of traffic control helps maintain a safe public right-of-way. Traffic control is required in order to occupy or expose excavations in the right-of-way.

All protective barriers must be maintained by the contractor until all work is completed or the hazard is eliminated.

Contractors must be on site at least one hour prior to lane closure setup, unless given prior approval by Lincoln Transportation and Utilities (LTU) Right-of-Way Services.

  • Contractor must inspect work zone devices
  • Initial closure setup is not allowed during peak hours of 7–8 a.m. and 3:30–6 p.m.
  • Sidewalks on both sides of a street cannot be closed or restricted at the same time

For a full list of requirements, see the Lincoln Traffic Control Guidelines


You may consult with LTU inspectors regarding preconstruction review, construction questions and inspections.

Lincoln Transportation and Utilities:
Right of Way Superintendent:
Shane Dostal 402-525-7852

*Verbal/non-written discussion shall not relieve the permittee of any legal obligations under City ordinance/policy. Failure to immediately correct work not in compliance with permit work shall allow the city to revoke the driveway approach permit and prohibit the use of the driveway approach. Permittee must provide the City with an accepted plan for correction of failures within 24 hours of notice.

Related Lincoln Municipal Code (LMC): Chapter 14.75 Driveway Approaches and Curb