Lead Service Line Replacement Program Invitation Letter

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The City of Lincoln Water System Lead Service Line Replacement Program will soon be in your neighborhood. The program conducts lead service line replacements, and the cost of replacing a lead line will be paid for by the City.

Lincoln Water System records indicate your property located at [SERVICE ADDRESS, Lincoln, NE] is likely to have a lead or lead-contaminated galvanized service line and will need to be replaced to provide a safe lead-free water service line to those who live in the home. The Lead Service Line Replacement Program is part of our commitment to ensure the reliability and safety of the water for our community.

A water service line is the small pipe that connects your home to the City’s water system and is owned by the property owner. Lead service lines can add to the overall amount of lead you are exposed to. Exposure to lead can cause negative health effects.

This summer, Lincoln Water System and our City-contracted plumbers will be working in your neighborhood to replace these older lead-contaminated lines with new copper lines. The cost of replacing a lead line will be paid for by the City.

To take advantage of the program and receive your replacement, please follow the steps below:

  1. Sign and return the enclosed Service Line Verification and Replacement Agreement. You can email photos of the completed and signed agreement (all 3 pages) to Lincoln Water System at LSLR@lincoln.ne.gov. You can also use the enclosed return envelope. Please complete and return the agreement within 10 days.
  2. When contacted, allow our contracted licensed plumber to inspect your current service line near the water meter and at the shut-off valve in your yard. This is to verify the pipe material of your service line.
  3. Schedule the replacement and allow access to your home so the interior plumbing work can be performed.
  4. Receive a $50 - $100 credit on your water bill after replacement work is completed. See the enclosed Service Line Verification and Replacement Agreement for details.

The significant health and financial benefits of completing this replacement outweigh any short-term inconveniences. By addressing the issue promptly, you’ll eliminate a potential source of lead in your water. Additionally, you will save considerably on the costs typically associated with a replacement, estimated between $5,000 to $10,000.

Once you have completed the enclosed replacement agreement, a City-contracted plumber will reach out to you as early as June 2024 to discuss the replacement process and answer any questions you may have. Additional information about the Lead Service Line Replacement Program is included in this packet. Should you require further information or wish to speak with Lincoln Water System about the Lead Service Line Replacement Program, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Warm regards,

Alyson Hanson Facilities Operations Coordinator Lincoln Transportation and Utilities | Lincoln Water System

Phone: 402-441-7571, option 2

Email: LSLR@lincoln.ne.gov

Website: lincoln.ne.gov/LeadSafe