
Comprehensive Watershed Master Plan

Prior to completion of the Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan, the City of Lincoln and the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District developed watershed master plans for individual basins. Final reports for each basin are available below.

Antelope Creek Basin

The Antelope Creek Basin Plan boundary totals 4,932 acres, from Antelope Creek's confluence with Salt Creek near the Devaney Sports Center, southeast to Holmes Lake.

The focus of the Antelope Creek Basin Plan is improving water quality in a stretch of Antelope Creek that is highly urbanized in the center of Lincoln, Nebraska. The Basin Plan only includes the portion of the Antelope Creek watershed downstream of Holmes Lake.

Beal Slough

The Beal Slough Basin is located along Highway 2 in the southern portion of Lincoln. The Beal Slough channel begins near the Village of Cheney, at the upper end of the basin, and flows approximately 8 miles northwesterly to Salt Creek.

The Beal Slough Stormwater Master Plan is intended to provide a basis for directing investment and administrative decisions for the stormwater management system of the basin. The Plan includes elements to address stormwater issues related to future development as well as elements to address existing issues related to the substantial level of development (in 1997) within the basin.

Cardwell Branch

The Cardwell Branch Watershed is located within and immediately southwest of the City's existing municipal limits. The Master Plan study area included areas downstream of Yankee Hill Lake, as well as areas draining to the south tributary.

The purpose of the Master Plan is to identify needed CIPs for flood management, water quality, and stream stability.

Deadmans Run

The Deadmans Run watershed study area is located in the northeast portion of the City. Deadmans Run, a right-bank tributary of Salt Creek, begins in the eastern part of the City. The Deadmans Run main channel flows northwest, ultimately draining into Salt Creek just downstream of Cornhusker Highway.

The primary goal of the study was to deveop planning tools and comprehensive improvement projects that reduce the potential for street and building flooding, address existing erosion problems, and improve water quality.

Haines Branch

The Haines Branch Watershed Study Area is located within and west of the City of Lincoln, to the west of Salt Creek.

The purpose of the Haines Branch Watershed Master Plan is to identify needed CIPs for water quality and stream stability as well as to quantify pre-development hydrologic conditions for sub-basins with potential future developments. The Master Plan also identifies special or unique areas in the watershed for consideration during the design and construction of the Watershed CIPs.

Little Salt Creek

The Little Salt Creek Watershed is located north of the City of Lincoln. The watershed drains approximately 46 square miles from the headwaters north of West Ashland Road to the confluence with Salt Creek located southeast of I-80 at North 27th Street.

The purpose of the Master Plan is to outline long-term planning tools and improvement projects to address water quality, flood management, and stream stability to provide guidance for sustainable urban growth in the watershed.

Lynn Creek

The Lynn Creek Watershed Study Area is located within the City of Lincoln, to the west of North Salt Creek. The Lynn Creek Watershed Study Area is approximately 6 square miles

The purpose of the Lynn Creek Watershed Master Plan is to identify needed CIPs for stream stability. The Master Plan also identifies special or unique areas in the watershed for consideration during the design and construction of the Watershed CIPs.

Middle Creek

The Middle Creek Watershed Study Area is located within and west of the City of Lincoln, to the west of Salt Creek.

The purpose of the Middle Creek Watershed Master Plan is to identify needed CIPs for water quality and stream stability as well as to quantify pre-development hydrologic conditions for sub-basins with potential future developments. The Master Plan also identifies special or unique areas in the watershed for consideration during the design and construction of the Watershed CIPs.

Oak Creek

The Oak Creek Watershed Study Area is located within and west of the City of Lincoln, to the west of Salt Creek. The Oak Creek Watershed Study Area is approximately 36 square miles.

The purpose of the Oak Creek Watershed Master Plan is to identify needed CIPs for stream stability. The Master Plan also identifies special or unique areas in the watershed for consideration during the design and construction of the Watershed CIPs.

North Salt Creek

The North Salt Creek Watershed Study Area is located within and east of the City of Lincoln. The North Salt Creek Watershed Study Area is approximately 34 square miles.

The purpose of the North Salt Creek Watershed Master Plan is to identify needed CIPs for stream stability. The Master Plan also identifies special or unique areas in the watershed for consideration during the design and construction of the Watershed CIPs.

Southeast Upper Salt Creek

This Stormwater Master Plan is for the Southeast Upper Salt Creek (SEUSC) Watershed known as Urban Planning Zones (UPZ) S-1, S-2/S-3, and a portion of S-5. The SEUSC Watershed includes three distinct drainage areas that collect into ephemeral streams, which discharge into Salt Creek and several smaller drainage areas that outlet directly into Salt Creek.

The purpose of this report is to present hydrologic and hydraulic characteristics of the watershed for existing and projected land use conditions and identify current and potential future stormwater issues.

South Salt Creek

The South Salt Creek Watershed Study Area is located within and west of the City of Lincoln, to the west of Salt Creek.

The purpose of the South Salt Creek Watershed Master Plan is to identify needed CIPs for water quality and stream stability as well as to quantify pre-development hydrologic conditions for sub-basins with potential future developments. The Master Plan also identifies special or unique areas in the watershed for consideration during the design and construction of the Watershed CIPs.

Stevens Creek

The Stevens Creek Watershed is located immediately east of the City’s existing municipal limits. The watershed drains approximately 55 square miles from the headwaters near Highway 2 to its confluence with Salt Creek located just north of Highway 6.

The purpose of the Master Plan is to outline long-term planning tools and improvement projects to address water quality, flood management, and stream stability to provide guidance for sustainable urban growth in the watershed.

Upper Wagon Train

The upper Wagon Train watershed, as defined by this master plan, is comprised by the area located north of Saltillo Road that ultimately drains to Wagon Train Lake near Hickman, Nebraska. This 1,575ac watershed is located within the larger Salt Creek watershed in Lancaster County, and is roughly bound by Yankee Hill Road to the north, 98th Street to the west, and 70th Street to the east.