We are no longer accepting applications. The program is currently full.
Due to stormwater runoff, many pollutants typical in urban areas have been found in our local waterways. The entire city benefits when residents take steps to prevent water from leaving their property and entering the storm drains.
The City of Lincoln Watershed Management Division offered a rebate of up to $2000 to Lincoln property owners for approved rainscaping projects. The program reimburses participants for 50 percent of qualifying expenses related to these projects. The goal of this program is to improve water quality, reduce runoff, and facilitate infiltration. Participants may do the work themselves or hire an approved professional.
Funding for this program is provided by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District and the City of Lincoln.
Rainscapes are beautiful, as well as functional, landscaping projects designed to capture and infiltrate stormwater runoff. They help improve water quality by preventing pollutants from leaving your property and reaching the storm drains. Rainscapes are also more sustainable than traditional landscaping because they utilize native plants, which require less water and fewer pesticides. Projects include rain gardens or bioswales, waterwise lawns, and pavement removal.
BMP Design Guidelines(PDF, 335KB)
* Application must be approved and an agreement must be signed before work on the project can begin.
May to September 2024
October 25, 2024
Choose one or more of the following approved projects:
A rain garden temporarily holds stormwater runoff in a shallow depression planted with native perennials and grasses. Similar to a rain garden, a bioswale slows the flow of stormwater runoff within a shallow channel. Both improve water quality by allowing more stormwater runoff to soak into the ground. They are dry most of the time and only hold water immediately following a rain event.
Native turfgrasses and soil quality restoration combine to create a Waterwise lawn. Native turfgrasses, such as buffalograss, are deep rooting and require less water than a traditional lawn. Adding organic matter to the compacted clay soils typically found in Lincoln helps more rain soak in where it lands, instead of running off and keeps your lawn healthy with less maintenance.
Impervious surfaces prevent water from soaking into the ground. By removing 100 ft2 or more of unwanted pavement and replacing it with vegetation or a permeable paver system, you can reduce the amount of stormwater runoff produced on your property.
(included in maximum reimbursement amount)
Rain barrels capture and store stormwater runoff from your roof. Add up to 2 rain barrels to your project. Rain barrels must be standard sized (40 to 60 gallons).
Reimbursable Expenses(PDF, 142KB)
With their large canopies and deep roots, trees can help slow the flow of stormwater runoff. Add up to 2 approved trees to your project. Purchase price cannot exceed $300 per tree.
Reimbursable Expenses(PDF, 235KB)
Download Program Brochure (PDF, 355KB)
Questions regarding the program may be directed to: