Next date: Thursday, June 12, 2025 | 07:00 AM to 08:00 AM
The Veterans Memorial Garden Advisory Council recommends policy to the Mayor, the City Council, and the Parks and Recreation Department on issues relating to the development, design, programming and preservation of the Veterans Memorial Garden area and all memorials contained in the garden. The Advisory Council also coordinates events that take place in and near the garden.
Number of Members: 11 Length of Term: 3 years Term Limit: No term limit Frequency of Meeting: Quarterly Usual Meeting Date: Second Thursday of the month at of March, June, September and December Usual Meeting Time: 7:30 a.m. Meeting Location: Antelope Park Enclosed Shelter located north of the Veterans Memorial Garden Special Requirements: Seven members must be veterans, and the remaining four members may be veterans. For More Information: 402-441-7847
Antelope Enclosed Shelter, north of the Garden, 3200 Memorial Drive, Lincoln, 68510, View Map
3200 Memorial Drive , Lincoln 68510
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This event occurs on the Second Thursday of every 3 month(s) for 3 times.