What is Disc Golf?
18 holes. Mixture of dense woods and open terrain with subtle changes in elevation.
Construction started at the Beal Slough Disc Golf Course in 2021 with completion in 2023. It offers two sets of tees per basket; the course layout plays through a mixture of woodland and open terrain that weaves around the winding slough while traversing the park’s subtle elevation changes.
This course was designed for advanced and professional players, it will test all aspects of a player’s game. The newest course in Lincoln offers a top-tier practice experience that includes two practice baskets, a marksman basket, a two-stall warm-up net, and a 500′ driving range.
Facility amenities:
- 18 Holes
- Concrete Tees
- Veteran Targets
- Established 2021
- Dogs Allowed
- Cart Friendly
- No Drinking Water Available
- Restroom Available
6300 Pine Lake Road
Lincoln, NE 68516
Course Details
- Year Established: 2021
- Target Type: Dynamic Discs Veteran
- Course Length: 5,899ft
- Alternate Length: 7,472ft
- Hole Length: Under 300ft: 7 | 300 - 400ft: 7 | Over 400ft:
- Course Designer, Tee Signs – James Fleege
- Construction and Development – Trenton Franz
Click here to view the Beal Slough course
9 holes. Great for beginners with nice shot variety.
**Concrete tee pads and tee signs coming Spring 2024.**
Bethany Beginners Disc Golf Course features two sets of tees designed for beginner players. The purple tees are the shortest and cater to players who may have just been introduced to the game, or players with a PDGA rating around 700. The green tees are a longer tee set, and can be utilized by players who have honed their skills on the purple tees and are looking for a greater challenge, and also by players with a PDGA rating around 800. Please be cautious and always yield play to pedestrians and other park patrons when playing the course. Restroom and drinking fountain closes for the winter.
Facility amenities:
- 9 Holes
- Grass Tees
- Veteran Targets
- Established 2021
- Dogs Allowed
- Cart Friendly
- Drinking Water Available during non-frost months
- Restroom Available during non-frost months
Vine St and N. 66th St.
Lincoln, NE 68505
Course Details
- Year Established: 2023
- Target Type: Veteran
- Course Designer, Tee Signs – James Fleege
- Construction and Development – Trenton Franz
- Management: Lincoln Flying Disc Club
Click here to view the Bethany Beginners Disc Golf Course Map
Download the Map(PDF, 71MB)
18 holes. Open and moderately wooded terrain.
This 18-hole course plays over open and woodland park space with a few creek crossings. Roper East offers a challenge to a wide variety of skill levels with two tees per hole, pin positions that are rotated regularly, and a balance of open shots and tight lines. In late-April of 2022, the course had 75 new trees strategically planted throughout the park.
Facility amenities:
- 18 Holes
- Concrete Tees
- Veteran Targets
- Established 2016
- Dogs Allowed
- Cart Friendly
- No Drinking Water Available
- Restroom Available - Porta-potty available during spring and summer.
8th and Groveland St
Lincoln, NE 68521
I-80, exit south on I-180, east on Superior, to a right on 10th St, to a right on Groveland to the parking lot.
Course Details
- Established: 2016
- Course Designer – Dominic Sawtelle, Lincoln Flying Disc Club
- Tee Signs – John Jones
- Construction and Development – Dominic Sawtelle, Tony Odem, numerous volunteers
- Course Length: 5,427ft
- Alternate Length: 7,091ft
- Hole Length: Under 300ft: 8 | 300 - 400ft: 9 | Over 400ft: 1

18 holes. Mostly open terrain.
The course is Lincoln’s first dedicated disc golf course was redesigned in 2018 from 27 holes with a single tee to 18 with three tees per hole; short (red), medium (blue) and long (gold). The course plays through mostly open space in a classic golf setting with gentle slopes and a small creek.
Facility amenities:
- 19 Holes
- Concrete, Grass Tees
- Veteran, Portable Targets
- Established 1990
- Dogs Allowed
- Cart Friendly
- Drinking Water Available
- Restroom Available
Fairfield St & N 3 St
Lincoln, NE 68521
I-80, exit south on I-180, west on Superior, to a left on 1st, to a left on Fairfield to park.
Course Details
- Year Established: 1990
- Course Length: 7,526ft
- Alternate Length: 4,704ft
- Hole Length: Under 300ft: 2 | 300 - 400ft: 8 | Over 400ft: 8
- Course Designer: Albert Nelson / Brad Packett / Dominic Sawtelle
- Tee Signs – John Jones
Download the Map(PDF, 77MB)

Scott Witcomb Memorial Disc Golf Course
9 holes. Densely wooded.
This 9-hole beginner-friendly, wooded course offers 3 tees per hole with cement (red, blue) or wooden board (white) tees. Tierra’s variety of basket locations in wooded areas, shorter holes with challenging obstacles, is excellent for all levels of players.
Facility amenities:
- 11 Holes
- Concrete, Board Tees
- Prodigy T1 (Pro DG T1), Mach III Targets
- Established 2000
- Dogs Allowed
- Cart Friendly
- Drinking Water Available
- Restroom Available
4931 S 30th Street
Lincoln, NE 68516
Course Details
- Course Length: 1,651ft
- Alternate Length: 2,868ft
- Hole Length: Under 300ft: 4 | 300 - 400ft: 3 | Over 400ft: 2
- Course Designer: Brad Packett
- Tee Signs – Kim Theesen
Download the Map(PDF, 63MB)

For non-emergency issues, contact the Lincoln Police Department non-emergency, (402) 441-6000.