Jensen Park


Future Community Park in SE Lincoln. Ballfield is available for practices.

Acres: 190.18

Bronze Field 

These fields are good for team practice or a pick-up game. Some of these fields will have agri-lime infields but will not have irrigated outfields. These are scheduled for maintenance once per week during peak use.

Ballfield Reservations

General Information

PLEASE make sure you have an account with our TeamSideline system, and are enabled to accept text messages notifying you of field use cancellations due to weather, or poor field conditions.

Rental Responsibilities for Ball Fields

The Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department will provide the following:


  • Initial field dragging and brooming. If games are scheduled to start prior to 9:00am dragging/brooming is not guaranteed.

  • Hand tools for field maintenance.

  • Barrels and trash bags

  • Restroom supplies


Renters Rules and Responsibilities are as Follows
  • Lining fields

  • Providing field maintenance between games as needed. This would include raking, dragging, and touching up field lines.

  • Keep equipment and storage areas secured and locked when not in use.

  • Motor vehicles are not to be on any part of the field, sidewalk, trails, grass or any other area not authorized for motor vehicles

  • Tents or other structures needing ground stakes are not to be used.

  • Teams are not to be allowed to have “soft toss” batting practice against fences.

Use Expectations
  • Your field use is for a specific time period. Your games are to end within the time frame. Don’t infringe on the next team's field use.

  • "Soft Toss" batting practice against fences is NOT permitted.

  • Do Not move permanent pitching rubbers or home plates.

  • Do Not remove bases or equipment from field.

Tobacco Ban
  • Municipal Code Section 12.08.330 is in effect for all City of Lincoln ballfields including bleachers, concession buildings and surrounding areas.

  • The tobacco ban includes products burned, inhaled, chewed or other forms of ingestion.  E-cigarettes are included in the Tobacco Ban policy.

Please Note

          Online reservations DO NOT include access to lights, bases, chalk, or field preparation equipment.




Jensen Park - west field


S. 84th Street & Yankee Hill Rd., Lincoln 68516  View Map

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