70th & Pine Lake - 84th & Yankee Hill: Proposed 2022 Annexation
Annexation Proposal Summary Flyer(PDF, 238KB)
FAQ Flyer(PDF, 158KB)
The City of Lincoln regularly studies areas adjacent to but outside of the City’s limits for recommendations to be annexed. Properties on the urban edge already benefit from many City services, such as streets, parks, trails, libraries, and snow removal on adjacent streets, without paying City taxes and fees. Annexation balances the provision of appropriate and reliable services with the “fair share” payment for those services and equity for all that benefit. Overall, City-initiated annexation typically does not change the character of annexed acreage areas. The zoning and Future Land Use designations do not change with annexation.
In accordance with the annexation policy in the Lincoln-Lancaster County 2050 Comprehensive Plan, the City is proposing to annex approximately 445 acres, including 77 dwelling units, near 70th & Pine Lake. The area is completely surrounded by city limits. Benefits of City-initiated annexation include:
Enhanced emergency response for annexed areas: Upon annexation this area would be added to the Lincoln Fire and Rescue (LFR) and Lincoln Police Department (LPD) service areas. A new joint LFR/LPD Station is located directly adjacent to the area to be annexed on Pine Lake Road.
It is important to note that approximately 80 percent of LFR calls are for medical response, and LFR’s response time for emergency medical service is expected to meet the department’s standard for response time and in some areas exceed the department’s standard.
The proposed annexation area is also surrounded by fire hydrants that will be utilized by LFR, so many of the existing properties can already be served by City water and hydrants. In cases where existing hydrants are too far away, LFR can relay water or request assistance from Southeast Rural Fire District through their mutual aid agreement for fire engines and water tenders. Future hydrants can be installed if development occurs in this area or if the property owners request an assessment district, as described below.
Availability of urban utilities: Most residents in this area are currently on well and septic. Upon annexation, property owners will have the opportunity to access water and sewer service. City sewer and water are safe and reliable utilities that are maintained in perpetuity by the City. Typically when development occurs in Lincoln, local sewer and water lines are installed by developers and paid for with the purchase of residential lots. In this case, water and sewer services can be installed through an assessment district process and paid over 20 years. Assessment districts are initiated upon property owner request and not automatic with annexation.
Additional City regulations that provide safety and benefits for property owners are listed in the FAQ found on this webpage.
The annexation process includes an informational neighborhood meeting (completed August 30), Planning Commission Hearing, and City Council Hearing.
Planning Commission Hearing
County-City Building, 555 S 10th Street
October 19, 2022
1:00 pm
City Council Hearing
County-City Building, 555 S 10th Street
March 20, 2023
3:00 p.m.
For more information, contact Andrew Thierolf at the Planning Department at 402-441-7491 or athierolf@lincoln.ne.gov