Pre-Application Meeting Process

The Planning Staff encourages and welcomes pre-application meetings between developers and staff.

If your project is relatively simple in nature, small to moderate in scope and generally consistent with adopted plans, policies and standards, then just contact the planner assigned to the quadrant of the city or county in which your site is located. See Map of Development Review Areas by Planner or contact Planning Department at 402-441-7491 or via email to make an appointment.

If your project is more complex, large in scale, or deviates from the established policies or standards, we advise a more formal review using either of two options:

  • Option 1 is when the applicant desires to submit plans prior to meeting with staff. The advantage is staff has had an opportunity to review the plans before the meeting and will respond and give answers at the meeting.
  • Option 2 is when the applicant desires to bring and present the plans at the meeting. The advantage is that the applicant can explain the plans personally to staff.

How to schedule a formal pre-application meeting

Please contact the Planning Department by phone 402-441-7491 or via email before noon the Thursday preceding the meeting which would be on the following Thursday.

Option 1: Submit plans

Step 1.Request a meeting and submit plans

When requesting the meeting the applicant provides the Planner:

  • An agenda that includes the purpose of the meeting and the expectations.
  • How many people the applicant plans to bring to the meeting (to determine the size of the meeting room.
  • A sketched concept site plan. It is helpful if the plan includes existing contour lines and an aerial photo at least 300' beyond the boundary of the site.
  • The location of the closest existing sanitary sewer lines and water mains and the means by which the utilities would be extended to the site.
  • Vehicular access points to the surrounding major streets and to the adjacent property.
  • The proposed and existing land uses.
  • The developer's time line (when they want project approval, building permits, etc.).

Step 2.Preliminary review

The agenda and information would be presented to the Friday Departments meeting for preliminary review to determine if it was necessary to bring in additional staff for a meeting on Tuesday.

Step 3.Meet (if required)

Developer & Staff meeting on Thursday.

Step 4.Receive a written summary

Written summary prepared and sent within one week to all attendees plus the Directors of Planning, Public Works, Building and Safety and Health Departments.

Option 2: Present plans

Step 1.Request a meeting

When requesting the meeting the applicant provides the Planner an agenda that includes the location but no plans, the purpose of the meeting, the expectations and indicates how many people they plan to bring to the meeting (to determine the size of the meeting room).

Step 2.Present proposal at the meeting

The applicant presents their proposal.

  • A sketched concept site plan. It is helpful if the plan includes existing contour lines and an aerial photo as least 300' beyond the boundary of the site.
  • The location of the closest existing sanitary sewer lines and water mains and the means by which the utilities would be extended to the site.
  • Vehicular access points to the surrounding major streets and to the adjacent property.
  • The proposed and existing land uses.
  • The developer's time line (when they want project approval, building permits, etc.)

Step 3.Staff review of the proposal

Staff listens and comments on some obvious issues but does not make any commitments until they have an opportunity to review the ideas amongst themselves and other staff before submitting a written response.

Step 4.Receive a written response

The response would be sent within one week of the meeting to all attendees plus the Directors of Planning, Public Works & Utilities, Building and Safety and Health Departments.

If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at 402-441-7491.