Information Technology Services / GIS

The Information Technology Services Division supports the Development Review Division and the Long Range Planning Division of the Planning Department.  

The Division handles requests maps, data and aerial images, creates maps for staff reports, and generates lists of property owners for public hearing notices. Staff also creates and maintains dozens of digital base maps and databases used to plan utilities and roadways, support public safety services, and further private land development.


In an effort to provide useful and timely information to internal customers, citizens, and members of the general public, the ITS Division offers several static base maps and data files via the City's OpenData website.

Web Mapping Applications

The ITS Division has also actively participated in the development of a suite of Web Mapping Applications that provide a wealth of information to City and County staff, customers, and citizens in general via the internet. These applications have been developed with assistance and cooperation from several City Departments and County Agencies. The primary GIS Viewer and Development Viewer are each built to have the same look and feel.  Additionally, each of the "in-page" mapping applications (links on the right) should offer a familiar look and feel to better enable users to easily find the information for which they are looking.  

Development Viewer

The Development Viewer provides a wealth of special permit, use permit, zoning agreement, annexation agreement, floodplain, special district and zoning information with links to filed documents when applicable. The information is all readily available in this web-based GIS application and should prove to be a valuable resource to appraisers, developers and their professional consultants, lenders, realtors, business owners, neighbors, multiple government entities, and citizens in general.  A variety of Development Viewer related tutorials are available.