Through the Executive Order/Administrative Regulation, a Complete Streets Committee was formed to discuss how to implement Complete Streets within the community. The committee is an interdepartmental group comprised or representatives from Planning, Transportation & Utilities, StarTran, Urban Development, Building and Safety, Parks and Recreation, and the Health Department. Two subcommittees were formed in 2021 to focus on policy items and funding items meeting monthly, however in 2023 the committees were combined into one subcommittee of the Complete Streets Committee to focus on both items which have significant overlap.
- Policy Tasks: reviewing and providing recommendations on ordinances and legislation, program structure, and education surrounding complete streets. Examples of these work items include tracking state legislation impacting complete streets at the local level, waiving or modifying local standards and policies which are a barrier to or inconsistent with the development of Complete Streets, managing the public facing website, and speaking with appointed and elected officials.
- Funding Tasks: making small dollar funding decisions like bike rack requests, and making recommendations on large dollar projects to the full committee. The subcommittee maintains the full list of potential project and scores each in order to make recommendations on how to spend the complete streets funds. They are also charged with ensuring the design, planning, and development of projects involving public and private streets meets the goal of accommodating transportation needs of all users through an inter-departmental process to ensure conformance.
In the Fiscal Year 2014/15-2019/20 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), $50,000 was appropriated annually for "Complete Streets" projects bringing the six year total to $300,000 for projects that fit within the Complete Streets scope. Funding decisions have been guided by a Gap Analysis study completed in 2015 which uses a variety of data to identify gaps in the transportation network that do not serve all users.
Annual Reports Gap Analysis Report(PDF, 3MB)