The Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization's (MPO) 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) provides the blueprint for the area's transportation planning process over the next 29 years. The transportation planning process is a collaborative effort between the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT), StarTran transit and other agencies, where the multimodal transportation system were evaluated and a set of recommendations were made with extensive public input. This Transportation Plan meets all federal requirements and addresses the goals, objectives, and strategies to meet the community's vision for the future. It was developed in coordination with PlanForward, the Lincoln-Lancaster 2050 Comprehensive Plan.
Lincoln MPO's 2050 LRTP was adopted by the MPO on December 15, 2021.
2050 Long Range Transportation Plan(PDF, 56MB)
These amendments and modifications have been incorporated into the text.
2040 Long Range Transportation Plan - 2016 Update(PDF, 18MB)
full document, includes all updates
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