Sexual Assault Kits

As of June 1, 2024, there were 497 untested sexual assault evidence collection kits held in the LPD Property Unit. These remain preserved as evidence. There are no untested kits held in LPD Property that were collected as evidence prior to 2005.

Beginning July 2022, any case, other than anonymous sexual assaults, will have the sexual assault kit tested for evidence. The untested kits held in LPD Property are cases involving kits where the survivor insisted the kit not be tested, or kits collected for other agencies. LPD, along with best practice, honors the consent and direction of the anonymous survivor not to have their kit submitted for testing.

Year Collected Total Kits  Tested  Untested 
 1997  1  1 0
 1998 1 1 0
 1999 1 1 0
 2000 2 2 0
 2001 0 0 0
 2002 3 3 0
 2003 3 3 0
 2004 1 1 0
 2005 1 0 1
 2006 2 2 0
 2007 1 1 0
 2008 22 20 2
 2009 11 10 1
 2010 19 16 3
 2011 26 20 6
 2012 26 21 5
 2013 23 15 8
 2014  61  40 21
 2015 85 40 45
 2016 91 41 50
 2017 94 43 51
 2018 101 57 44
 2019 111 57 54
 2020 123 57 66
 2021 143 62  81 
 2022 123 92 31
 2023 131 114 17
 2024 43 32 11
 Total 1,249 752  497