Transparency In Policing

The men and women of the Lincoln Police Department are committed to continually improving our relationship with all members of our community. We have a proud tradition of engaging in community conversations and providing transparent explanations for our policies, procedures, and decisions. In the spirit of that transparency, collaboration, and desire for the community’s trust, we have created this Transparency page. The following sections address many questions we frequently receive about how we serve the Lincoln community, including hiring, training, use of control, community outreach, and policies. We hope this information is a positive step towards fostering an even stronger relationship with our community and we stand accountable to any questions that will help us achieve that goal.

Public Records Requests

Our department strives to make public records available to citizens. Before submitting a public records request, please review the links below. You may be surprised to find the information you need right at your fingertips. 

Open Data Portal

Downloadable annual data for traffic stops, incident reports, crashes, use of force, hate crimes, arrests and citations. 

Crime Statistics 

Statistics for Part 1 and Part 2 crimes, crashes and citations from 1990 to present.  

Daily Call Summary

Police call summary for the most recent week or search a specific date. 

Crime Analysis Reports 

Patterns and trends relating to crime data, missing persons, mental health, traffic, narcotics and weapons.  

Crash Reports

Individual reports for crashes reported to the Lincoln Police Department. 

Annual Reports 

Yearly comprehensive analysis of our department's activity and accomplishments. 

21 Century Police Report




The Lincoln Police Department (LPD) values data-driven and best-practice approaches to decision-making and policy development. To support this, LPD collaborates with several partners including universities, contributing to research that aids LPD and other departments in making informed future decisions.

Some of our past and current partners include:

  • University of Nebraska Lincoln
  • Doane University
  • Nebraska Wesleyan University
  • RTI International on a National Institute of Justice Grant

For university research collaborations, LPD limits its indirect costs to 10%.