How to Commend a Police Department Employee
When you receive service from our department that you feel is worthy of a commendation, we would like hear about it. Although our employees do not expect to be thanked for everything they do, recognition of exceptional service is always appreciated. You can either write a brief letter describing the incident and the actions you feel were exceptional, or you can call 402-441-6000 and ask to speak with a supervisor. You may also call the Professional Standards Office at 402-441-7222. This kind of feedback helps us to know if we are doing a good job.
Filing a Complaint
Who may make a complaint?
Any person who witnesses or has direct knowledge of police employee misconduct may make a complaint with the Lincoln Police Department. The Lincoln Police Department will investigate any employee action that is contrary to department policy, is a violation of city, state, or federal law, or involves the use of excessive force or discourteous treatment.
How do I file a complaint?
There are several ways to file a complaint: