33rd and Cornhusker Improvement Project - Corridor Enhancement Plan

Corridor Enhancement Plan

December 21, 2020

Planning Phase

As part of the revitalization strategy for the North 33rd and Cornhusker subarea, the Cornhusker Highway Corridor Enhancement Plan (CEP) provides an overview of how updated lighting, landscaping, pedestrian amenities, and other streetscape enhancements could address the desired updates for the Cornhusker Highway corridor, from North 11th Street to North 56th Street.

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Subarea Plan

Contact the Project Team

  • Kris Humphrey, Assistant City Engineer

    Lincoln Transportation and Utilities
    Email: khumphrey@lincoln.ne.gov
    Phone: 402-326-0617

  • Aaron Keller, Project Manager

    Email: akeller@olsson.com
    Phone: 402-970-2359

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