Home Rehabilitation Federally funded Housing Rehabilitation programs provide 0% interest loans that help low- and moderate-income homeowners rehabilitate their homes.
Home Ownership Programs Home Ownership Programs funded by the Urban Development Department and administered through NeighborWorks®Lincoln help moderate-income people become successful first-time homeowners.
Lead Paint Grant The Lead Hazard Control Grant Program is available to property owners in the City of Lincoln to eliminate and stabilize lead-based paint hazards and other lead related hazards for single-family and multi-family residences.
South of Downtown Residential Rental Rehabilitation Program The South of Downtown Residential Rental Rehabilitation Program offers $15,000 in financial assistance per dwelling unit to owners of affordable residential rental properties in the area bordered by A, J, South 10th and South 17th streets.
Affordable Housing The City of Lincoln supports the creation of affordable housing through various plans, funding sources, and property acquisition.
Homeless Services To assist persons experiencing homeless or those at immediate risk, the City of Lincoln Urban Development Department partners with numerous agencies to provide support services.
Healthy Homes Grant The Healthy Homes Grant Program is available to property owners in the City of Lincoln to address health and safety hazards like roofing leaks, dust and contaminants, poor ventilation, inadequate temperatures, and dangerous surfaces.