Starting May 30, 2023, food trucks may operate in Downtown Lincoln at certain metered parallel parking stalls.
Before requesting a meter hood, please review these guidelines to ensure compliance with the City of Lincoln's food vendor ordinances.
After obtaining your Food Truck permit through the City Clerk's Office, reserve your meter hoods by completing the Vendor Truck Application.
(emailing a completed Food Truck Parking Meter Hooding Application(PDF, 76KB) to We will contact you by the next business day with approval and to accept payment. Parking administration is working on making this form easier. Stay tuned for changes in the coming weeks. For any questions or concerns about the application or meter hoods, please contact our office at 402-441-PARK between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Use this parking map to view legal food truck parking spaces around Lincoln. Toggle through options in the "layers" icon to view restaurant locations, space opportunities, zoning, etc. There are non-metered spaces and metered spaces. We can reserve metered spaces with hoods, but non-metered spaces can be utilized by food trucks subject to availability and depending on parking time restrictions. Please follow posted signage.