Workforce Development Program

Workforce Development Grants - $12M Total

Nine grants were awarded to non-profit organizations in the City to create retraining opportunities. Funding is also being used for administrative purposes and to collect participant data.

American Job Center - $780,000

Helping individuals acquire a commercial driver’s license (CDL) so they can enter a high-wage, in-demand career. Includes creating an employment plan and financial plan, providing supportive services such as transportation and childcare, paying 100% of the tuition to attend a driving academy, and assisting with job placement when completed.

Training for a commercial driver license can be completed in less than a month. Participants can choose to attend school at 160 Drive Academy, Southeast Community College, or Roadmasters Drivers School.

Want a high-wage, in-demand career? Get started with CDL training today. Make an appointment with a career planner at, call 402-441-1640, or drop by the AJC at 1330 N Street. Parking validation is available.

Bryan Foundation- $1.1M

Providing scholarships for Nursing students who are currently in their 3rd and 4th year of nursing who were disproportionally impacted by Covid and are at a risk of not completing their degree due to the impact. This will allow 15-20 students to graduate in the next two years. Also being offered are CNA (50 students a year) and Phlebotomy (75 students a year) certificates. Supportive services including transportation stipends will be provided to ensure all participants have ability to complete the program.

If you are interested in obtaining a CNA or Phlebotomy certificate please contact Timmery Kozisek, Recruitment Coordinator at or 402-481-8863.

Center for People In Need - $555,000

Offering the Google Career Certificate. This certificate will allow participants to obtain jobs in the IT field. Multiple supportive services will be provided to ensure that participants can complete the program including childcare subsidy, gas vouchers, and emergency aid for rent or medical bills.

If you are interested in this certificate, please contact Lynette Maes at or 402-476-4357 ext 161.

Community Action - $1M

Train 30 participants a year to obtain a Child Development Associate Credential and/or advanced credentialing offered through the TEACH program or associate’s bachelor’s degree programs. All participants will be provided supportive services to ensure participants complete the program including stipends, childcare assistance, and transportation assistance.

If you are interested in obtaining this credential, please contact Kathy Sullivan Romero at

ECHO Collective - $200,000

ECHO Collective helps refugee and immigrant women overcome the barriers that they face in rebuilding their lives in the United States. Our entrepreneurship and creative programs focus on sparking connections that surpass language, and our desire is to see every refugee and immigrant confidently call Lincoln “home”. Visit to learn more. To apply, fill out the Entrepreneur Application.

Lincoln Littles - $100,000

On-the-job training for child care workers. For more information, visit

Lincoln Manufacturing - $1.05M

Train 50+ participants per year to obtain the Manufacturing Certificate 1. Offer Manufacturing Certificate 2 classes within 6 months to continue to train the same or other qualified individuals. All participants will be provided supportive services to ensure participants complete the program including stipends, childcare assistance, and transportation assistance.

If you are interested in obtaining these certificates, please contact Allison Hatch at or 402-436-2365. Find even more information at

Rabble Mill - $2.1M

Update the physical location at The Bay to accommodate safe COVID spaces as well as update to allow for better learning experiences.

Use resources from other community foundations and Lincoln School System to staff and operate The Bay High School. Serve high school age students who are most at risk for not graduating high school.Programing will focus on future skills, social and emotional wellness, and college or career readiness.

If you are interested in attending The Bay High or other program offered at Rabble Mill please contact Jessy Hunt at

Southeast Community College - $4.8M

Create a work-based learning center including hiring a director and coordinator. This office will customize reskilling/upskilling training for eligible participants including apprenticeships, internship, and other asymmetrical workforce development opportunities in high-demand sectors.

Construct and equip reskilling/upskilling and apprenticeship training space within a new IT and Advanced Technology Center. Grant includes the construction and equipping of dedicated training spaces within these facilities, which will be specifically designed to provide robust and customized reskilling and upskilling in Information Technology to create an innovative and scalable approach to rapid and adaptive retraining of the City of Lincoln workforce.

If you are interested in attending Southeast Community College, please visit



All eligible participants in the above trainings will gain additional support from the American Job Center.

In an effort to leverage and coordinate resources, the American Job Center will work with American Rescue Plan grantees to provide supportive services to training participants. Assistance can include:

  • Transportation reimbursements
  • Childcare and dependent care
  • Housing assistance
  • Reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities
  • Uniforms or other appropriate work attire and work-related tools
  • Books, fees, school supplies, and other necessary items
  • Payments and fees for employment and training-related applications, tests, and certifications
  • Legal aid services
  • Referrals to health care
  • Needs-related payments (i.e., assistance with non-training expenses)

Supportive services are available to participants co-enrolled in the Adult Program.


Updating the American Job Center, $1.5M capital update

Updating the American Job Center to better accommodate ingress and egress of clients. The Center uses federal Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act funds to improve an individual's employment opportunities. Services are provided to both job seekers and businesses seeking employees.

To learn more about the Center please visit American Job Center.



Workforce Development Grant Overview(PDF, 94KB)

Workforce Development Grant Request for Letters of Inquiry(PDF, 203KB)