Vaccination Clinics Set for Friday and Saturday
Published on February 09, 2021
Vaccinations are by appointment only
The Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department (LLCHD) today announced that it will provide COVID-19 vaccine to Lancaster County residents age 75 and up at clinics Friday, February 12 and Saturday, February 13 at Pinnacle Bank Arena. LLCHD is in the process of calling residents in that age group who have registered to receive vaccine to schedule appointments to get vaccinated at one of the clinics.
To avoid congestion, those with appointments are asked to arrive at the clinic as close to their scheduled time as possible. LLCHD has enough vaccine for everyone who has an appointment to get vaccinated. Participants are encouraged to dress warmly and to wear a mask at all times.
This will be the fourth vaccination clinic at Pinnacle Bank Arena. LLCHD will again work with community partners to provide extra support and assistance for these clinics to help ensure accessibility and mobility for the population being served. Those measures include the following:
- The vaccination clinic will take place on two levels, and both are easily accessible.
- Wheelchairs will be available. If clinic participants have limited mobility, they are encouraged to bring their own wheelchairs or walkers, if possible.
- A family member or caregiver is welcome to accompany the person receiving the vaccine through the process.
- Extra staff will be available to help those who may need additional assistance.
- Free parking is available in the garage attached to the west side of the Arena and in the Red garage south of the Arena. Courtesy vehicles will be provided for those who need transportation from the Red parking garage to the arena. Both garages are most easily accessed by driving west on “N” Street and then north on Pinnacle Arena Drive. Guides will direct clinic participants to the parking garages.
Individuals age 75 and up will need an appointment to receive vaccine. If a person in this age group wants to get vaccinated but has not registered, they can register online at or can call 402-441-8006 for registration assistance. They will be contacted at the next opportunity to schedule an appointment. LLCHD encourages people to receive COVID-19 vaccine as soon as its available to them.
Phase 1B includes people 65 and older and those 18 and older with underlying medical conditions along with essential workers.
The number of doses allocated for Lancaster County is increasing from about 3,900 a week to about 4,875 a week. LLCHD is working with pharmacy partners to provide on-site vaccinations to residents of independent living communities this week. Some first responders including adult and child protective services workers are expected to also be vaccinated this week.
As more vaccine is available, other groups of people in Phase 1B will have the opportunity to get vaccinated.
The first step to getting vaccinated is to register. About 71,650 Lancaster County residents have registered using the online form at While the vaccine is not yet available for the general public, as doses become available, those who are registered will be contacted to schedule an appointment to get vaccinated.
Registration is open to all County residents, but those who are in Phase 1B – those 65 and older and those with underlying medical conditions – should register soon. The health department will work with essential workers and their employers independently.
Family members and caregivers are encouraged to assist those who need help to register. Those who do not have online access or who need assistance, may call the COVID-19 hotline at 402-441-8006 to register. The form is available in English and Spanish. LLCHD also has interpreters available to assist callers who speak other languages.
The simple electronic form captures basic information that will be used to help determine when the individual can be vaccinated. The information goes into a secure system and is strictly confidential.
The state also recently launched a registration site. Lancaster County residents only need to register once on either the LLCHD website or the state website. LLCHD and the state health department can securely share data as needed. Signing up on both sites will not cause any issues, but is not necessary.
Vaccinating Lancaster County residents will take time. LLCHD urges the public to be patient and continue to take precautions to protect themselves and others – wear a mask, watch your distance, wash your hands, and avoid crowded spaces, close contact, and confined spaces.
For more information on COVID-19 vaccine, visit, call the Health Department hotline at 402-441-8006 or visit