Downtown Streetscape Project Open House Set For June 27

Published on June 21, 2024

Residents are invited to the Downtown Corridors Streetscape Project open house from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, June 27, in the Union Bank Place lobby, 1248 “O” Street. No formal presentation is planned. Parking in city garages will be validated at the open house.

Members of the project team will be available to share information about the project and collect comments. Design plans presented at the open house will include the following streets:

  • Ninth and 10th streets between “K” and “S” streets
  • 11th Street between “N” and “Q” streets
  • 14th Street between “O” and “P” streets
  • “O” Street between Ninth Street and Centennial Mall

Business and property owners within these areas are also invited to complete a survey online at to share important information with the project team about their business or property to consider during the construction phase.

Those who cannot attend the open house may also request a meeting with the project team on the project website. Meeting materials will be available on the project website June 28.

The Lincoln-Lancaster County Planning and Urban Development Departments, with the Downtown Lincoln Association, have been working on design plans for renovating downtown Lincoln’s major street corridors. The goal of the project is to improve the attractiveness, safety, connectivity and overall vibrancy of these important connections to and through downtown.

Renovation of these corridors was identified in the Downtown Master Plan published in 2018 as an opportunity to enhance the existing public spaces and provide additional destinations for all people. The City is also hopeful that these improvements will serve to leverage additional private reinvestment along and around the improved streets. The plan for renovation is anticipated to be complete this summer with construction beginning in some areas as early as this fall.

For more information, contact Collin Christopher, Lincoln-Lancaster County Planning Department, at, or 402-441-6370.

For more information about the project, visit

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