In late 2020, the City of Lincoln, in partnership with the Lower Platte South NRD, initiated the development of a Comprehensive Watershed Master Plan (Master Plan). The Master Plan is a compilation of all previously completed watershed master plans.
View the past Watershed Master Plans
Please select a basin from the map below for a link to the master plan. Or you may view a list of all Watershed Master Plans.
The Master Plan will replace all of Lincoln’s past watershed master plans and be adopted as a subarea plan to the Lincoln/Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan.
View the interactive project map & report
Anticipated outcomes of this project will:
The comprehensive watershed planning effort began in November 2020.
Watershed Master Plans guide the development of capital improvement projects aligned with the priorities of the City and NRD Watershed Management programs to:
Flood control measures are developed to mitigate and reduce risks such as potential property damage, and help to ensure public health and safety.
A total of 44 flood control projects were identified during planning process. Of these identified projects, 15 have been completed, and 24 have been removed due to such things as consolidation and lack of feasibility. Five (5) projects remain to be completed.
Stream stabilization measures are developed to reduce active erosion, to help stabilize channels, and prevent future erosion-related deepening and widening.
A total of 124 stream stability/grade control projects were identified during the planning process. Of these identified projects, 27 have been completed, and seven (7) have been removed due to such things as consolidation and lack of feasibility. 90 projects remain to be completed.
Water quality improvement measures help reduce pollutant sources and treat stormwater runoff, which helps address regulatory requirements and ensures public health and safety.
A total of 39 water quality projects were identified during the planning process. Of these identified projects, 18 have been completed, and 11 have been removed due to such things as consolidation and lack of feasibility. 10 projects remain to be completed.
Development of a prioritization methodology was needed based on funding availability and other technical considerations. Projects were prioritized by:
More information: Project Prioritization
Select a project on the map for more information.
Open Full Screen Map
The project team assembled a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to provide technical oversight, as well as help ensure the plan’s final recommendations reflect public input provided in past and current efforts. Members of the TAC include:
The TAC met two times during the project, first in August 2021 and again in December 2021.
The Lincoln community was invited to review the draft Master Plan and learn more about the efforts made to reduce flood risks, stabilize streams, and improve water quality across our city. Specific project updates were also available for the Southeast Upper Salt Creek Basin, located in the vicinity of Yankee Hill Road between South 70th Street and the South Beltway.
Tuesday, August 9, 2022 • 5 to 7 p.m. Cavett Elementary School (Multipurpose Room) 7701 South 36th Street
Meeting Handout (PDF, 670KB) Meeting Invitation (PDF, 168KB)
Members of the public and interested stakeholder are welcome to request information or provide comment at any time throughout the project by contacting Kevin Kruse or Tim Zach.
JEO Consulting Group Email: Phone: 402-474-8759
City of Lincoln, LTU Watershed Management Email: Phone: 402-441-7589