Victory Park Senior Center

The Aging Partners Victory Park Senior Center is as a community focal point for activities relating to aging. It provides maximum visibility and is readily available to those who need its services or those who have concerns for elderly parents and friends. It provides virtually a one-stop service for older persons as offices for them come under one roof.


Transportation is provided within a specific boundary area. Call the center manager for details, 402-441-7154. If you would like to use the van, the suggested contribution is only $2 each way, ($4 round trip). Reservations for rides are made the week before you wish to attend.


Commodities are distributed at the Victory Park Center every other month. (January, March, May, July, September and November). To register call the Food Bank of Lincoln at 402-466-8170, ext. 2001.


Call the center two days prior to the day you would like to eat at the center. For example, if you would like to eat at the center on Thursday, call on Tuesday for a reservation. The encouraged age to receive meals is 60 years and over.

Midday Meal (check with your senior center for exact mealtime)

  • Age 60 and over: $5 suggested contribution
  • Younger than age 60: $10 fee

Special Holiday Meals

  • Age 60 and over: $6 suggested contribution
  • Younger than age 60: $11 fee

My Center News

The Aging Partners My Center News newsletter is filled with monthly activities and events. These newsletters are available free of charge at your local senior center.


600 S. 70th St., Lincoln 68510  View Map

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