Permit Applications

Need a specific permit? Look no further because this page will take you through a detailed list of application forms and information.

Click on the Plus (+) for Application Information


Building Permit - Accela Citizen Access

Residential Contractor


Electrical- Contractor or Homeowner

Fire Prevention

Alternative Automatic Fire-Extinguishing System Permits (Wet/Dry Chemical or Gas)

Bureau of Fire Prevention Operational Permits

Carnival, Fair, or Festival Fire Prevention Permit(PDF, 185KB)

Fire Alarm Permit

Fire Sprinkler Permit (OVERHEAD & UNDERGROUND) 

Liquefied Petroleum Gases Permit (Tanks & Cylinders)

Pyrotechnics Before a Proximate Audience / Special Effects / Fireworks Display Permit

Retail Sale of Fireworks Permit

Tents and/or Membrane Structures Permit

Underground / Aboveground Petroleum or Hazardous Substances Tank Permit

Underground Storage Tank and/or Piping Closure Permit

Health Department

Well Water Permit


Certificate of Compliance Application

Housing Advisory and Appeals Board

Lincoln Transportation and Utilities

Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit(PDF, 698KB)

Impact Fees Determination

INOI / Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Individual Lots

Wastewater/Sewer Service Application

Water Service Application


Mechanical Permits-Contractor or Homeowner


Contractor Account Application

Miscellaneous Fees Permit(PDF, 151KB)

Driveway Permit - Lancaster County

Afterhours Inspection Form

Permit Refund Request

Plan Review

Acknowledgement – Limited Permit(PDF, 38KB)

Application – Mobile Home Placement(PDF, 160KB)

Certification – Outdoor Lighting(PDF, 208KB)

Demolition Permit

Flood Plain Development Permit(PDF, 471KB)

Height Permit

House Moving Permit

Meter Hood Permit

Parking Lot Lighting(PDF, 108KB)

Permanent, Mobile, or Inflatable Signs 

Street Use Permit

Review Request Form(PDF, 304KB)


Plumbing- Contractor or Homeowner


Need a specific application or permit? Look no further because this page will take you through a detailed list of application forms and permits. It is even broken down into sections for seamless navigation so you can get to the form you need in no time at all.


Building Permit - Citizen Access

Residential Contractor


Electrical Permit - Contractor or Homeowner 

Health Department

Well Water Permit


Mechanical Permits - Contractor or Homeowner 


Plumbing Permits - Contractor or Homeowner