West “A” Street Improvement Project

West City Limits to SW 5th Street

Project Area Map The purpose of this project is to improve nearly 2.5 miles of the West “A” Street corridor beginning at the West City Limits extending east to the intersection of SW 5th Street. Improvements include:

New Pavement

Roundabout Intersections

ADA Accessible Sidewalks

Multi-Use Trail

Sanitary Sewer Trunkline

Street Lighting

Concrete Pads at Bus Stops

New Driveway Connections

YouTube video Watch: West “A” Street Project Progress May 2024 to November 2024 (1:01)

To minimize impacts to area residents, businesses and commuters, the project was divided into two separate construction projects.

Construction Information

February 13, 2025

West “A” Street Improvement Project paving work began in summer 2023. It is being completed in segments in order to minimize neighborhood and travel inconveniences during construction.

Starting the week of February 24, pavement removals will begin from SW 23rd to SW 25th streets, followed by water main, storm sewer, and street lighting work. Paving between SW 27th to SW 30th streets will begin when the weather allows.

Paving work is completed from the West City Limits near SW 40th Street to SW 30th Street.

Work Zone Closures effective February 24, 2025

Access During Construction

West “A” Street is currently closed to through traffic from SW 40th Street to S Coddington Avenue. The recommended detour is SW 40th Street to Van Dorn Street to S Coddington Avenue.

Starting the week of February 24, West “A” Street will close from SW 23rd to SW 25th streets. West “A” Street from SW 27th to SW 30th streets will remain closed.

Closures will remain as work occurs, but West “A” will be open to local traffic as much as possible when crews are not working in the area. Travelers are encouraged to exercise caution and maintain safe speeds within the work zones and neighborhoods.

StarTran Route 51-West “A” will be detoured during this work.

Digital signs will alert traffic to upcoming work and closures. Access to homes and businesses will be maintained whenever possible. Travelers are encouraged to exercise caution around the work zone.

Construction Schedule

West “A” Street from West City Limits to SW 23rd Street is expected to be completed in spring/summer 2025.

Street Improvement Project Phasing

PDF Phasing Map (PDF, 131KB)

Partial/full lane access is expected to be available once each phase of street construction is complete.

Phasing includes:

  • Phase 1Summer 2023 to Winter 2023
  • Phase 2 Summer 2023 to Winter 2023
  • Phase 3 Fall 2023 to Spring 2024
  • Phase 4 Spring 2024 to Spring/Summer 2025
  • Phase 5 Summer 2024 to Winter 2024
  • Phase 6 Fall 2024 to Spring/Summer 2025

Completed Work

Work has been completed from Southwest 23rd Street to the U.S. Highway 77 Bridge, including:

Frequently Asked Questions

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What work is included in the project?

The purpose of this project is to improve the West “A” Street corridor beginning at the West City Limits and extending east to the intersection of SW 5th Street. The project includes work associated with:

  • Topographic survey
  • Traffic analysis
  • Roadway alternatives analysis
  • Roadway design
  • Drainage design
  • Environmental review
  • Permitting
  • Public involvement

What does the City of Lincoln evaluate for arterial roadway improvement projects, like West “A” Street?

  • Cross section (number of lanes)
  • Proper speed Limit
  • Intersection control
  • Turn lanes
  • Proper access (median breaks)
  • Pedestrian crossings

What improvements are included in this project?

  • New pavement
  • Roundabout intersections
  • ADA accessible sidewalks
  • Multi-use trail
  • Sanitary sewer trunkline
  • Street lighting
  • Concrete pads for bus stops
  • New driveway connections
  • Additional traffic lanes
  • Storm water drainage enhancements

How did the City decide on the selected alternative?

The alternatives were evaluated on multiple criteria that included: safety, environmental impacts, right-of-way impacts, constructability, access during construction, cost, and public input.

How is the project being funded?

The project is locally funded through a combination of impact fee revenues and wheel tax dollars.

When will the public and businesses know about property acquisition and easements?

The City has identified temporary and permanent property impacts for properties adjacent to the project. If your property will be impacted, you will be contacted by the City.

One-on-one meetings can also be scheduled to discuss any impacts to specific properties. More information on the acquisition process is available in the Right-of-Way Acquisition and Your Property(PDF, 79KB) pamphlet on the City’s website.

How will I be able to access my home or business during construction?

Refer to Access During Construction Coping with Construction: What to Expect on the City’s website.

Why not designate all construction crews to this one project to get it done faster?

Bringing in additional crews does not necessarily help speed up the construction process on City street projects. The City has to carefully balance availability of materials and resources and what our supplier can consistently provide for each project. Other things to consider are wait times where concrete has to harden in order to be strong enough to hold certain weights of vehicles and construction trucks, and scheduling timelines for other partners involved in the project.

Why don’t you have construction crews work at night to assist with completing the project sooner?

The City of Lincoln prides itself on putting its citizens first. We do not want to inconvenience neighbors in the middle of the night with additional construction noise that may keep them awake while they try to sleep.

Why is the City of Lincoln putting in roundabouts in the West “A” Street Improvement Project?

Roundabouts are proven to be cheaper and safer for drivers. A roundabout will allow at least 400 more vehicles through it an hour, compared to a four-way stop intersection. They also reduce environmental impacts. The City of Lincoln’s experience with the roundabout at South 33rd and Sheridan showed roundabouts in Lincoln reduces crashes by 83 percent. There’s a 95 percent reduction in injury crashes in Lincoln and cost of property damage due to those crashes is reduced by $810,000.

West “A” Street is an important arterial connector for the community. Whether you are a business owner, resident or a member of the travelling public, we want you to be involved in the project. It is always a priority to work with businesses and residents in the project area. If you have questions about this project, please contact us.

Lincoln Transportation and Utilities (LTU) plans to hold in-person or virtual public meetings two times a year to continue to keep residents up to date on project accomplishments and timeline of completion. Public meeting dates will be updated regularly.

Downloads in PDF format

Project Contacts

  • Gaylon Masek, Construction Project Manager

    City of Lincoln, LTU Project Delivery

  • Russ Gasper, Construction Engineer

    City of Lincoln, LTU Project Delivery