Current Projects

The Historic Preservation Program works on local and National Register of Historic Places designations as well as conducts survey work to identify potential designations. Below are the projects in development.

Women in the Trades

Lincoln is the first city in Nebraska to receive an Underrepresented Communities (URC) Grant from the National Park Service (NPS). The award of $73,000 will go towards studying the history of women working in the trades industries (ex: builders, designers, construction managers) across Nebraska and the Midwest to identify significant figures that helped shape the built environment. This research will create a better understanding of the contributions of women in the building industry, which is considered a highly underrepresented group not just in Lincoln’s historic preservation program, but across the state and region.

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South Haymarket Industrial Local Landmark District

The South Haymarket Industrial District is significant in the areas of Community Development, Transportation, and Industry. The period of significance is c. 1890 to 1946, beginning with the construction of the Western Mattress Company building (339 S. 7th Street) and ending with the construction of 601 L Street by the Salvation Army for their warehouse. The nine-block historic district is associated with Lincoln’s industrial development once the city began to attract major railroad lines after 1870. A local landmark nomination has been drafted for the district designation and is proposed for Historic Preservation Commission review in September.

Read Draft Nomination(PDF, 4MB)